
My first paid job was as a newspaper delivery boy for the Sunday edition of Politiken. I delivered the paper on the estate “Farum Midtpunkt” to which my mum and I had moved after the first 3 block of flats had been completed.
Hard Work
My first “real” job was at a flower nursery. I had to remove mesh wiring from flowerbeds and collect and cut flowers prior to wholesale delivery. I remember with great pride my first pay-check, and that I bought a gift for my mum with it.

A number of years I worked at a home for elderly blind people, first in the kitchen (doing dishes) and later as a nurse assistant taking nightshifts. The latter was a great experience for me; as a nerdy mathematically inclined computer geek, it was very healthy to interact with real humans with real and long lives behind them.

I have always loved animals, and for many years and until I went to High School in the US, I wanted to be a vet. In the US, however, my host-father was a teacher at Cal-Tech Computer Science department and back in ’77 I was deeply fascinated by our terminal in the house providing access to an IBM-360.
01-11-2010-14-35-59-875 copy 3I became a proficient programmer in APL, and on returning to Denmark to complete “Gymnasium” (A-levels), I began to work for OAC (Part of Carl Bro) developing various systems in APL. It was at that point, I guess, my fate was sealed.
While still at Copenhagen University studying Computer Science and Mathematics, I joined SimCorp in 1986 and a year later moved to London to become part of the team setting up SimCorp UK.

In January 1993 I joined Morgan Stanley in London to become a developer on their A+ platform, a proprietary (and much better) version of APL. I really did love my time at Morgan Stanley, not least the 3 years the family was expatriated to Tokyo. I was at all times surrounded by extremely competent and intelligent colleagues, and the culture and sense of community was inspiring. While in Tokyo I was promoted to VP and 4 years later back in London I became globally responsible for fixed income electronic trading and promoted to Executive Director. The last 12 months at Morgan was not such a party, as unfortunately I did not see eye to eye with my boss back in New York. Not really being the type to hold my tongue, it was only a question of time before I was “cut lose” and in 2003, 10 years and 4 months after I had started at Morgan Stanley, it was finished.

I then joined ION Trading to head up their customer services department with a view of establishing a strategic consultancy department. For various reasons this didn’t work out as planned, and after 2 years we agreed to call it quits.

I spent a year as an independent consultant until in August 2006 I joined the Business Development team in Nykredit Markets. I’ve since together with Nykredit been through quite a few organisational changes, but I am still here and now working actively as a Product Owner where, among other things, I am getting our FX eTrading platform to be a success.

My managers, colleagues and the whole organisation at Nykredit have been absolutely outstanding in their support of me after Hans’ death. I could not have wished for a better and more supportive place to work.

I am currently Product Owner for the agile Team Markets:

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Views and facts on what makes me tick