SCUBA Diving

During our first trip to Australia in 1986 my wife and I spent 5 days at the Tangalooma Island Resort on Moreton Island outside Brisbane. During that time we took a full PADI Open Water SCUBA Diving Certificate. During the course we dived on wrecks and even had a night dive. We celebrated the achievement by spending a week on Lady Elliott Island, one of the southern Great Barrier Reef islands. There we dived with schools of sharks that would come in around the reef at regular times during the day.

Back in Denmark we bought our own equipment and dived the local lakes and ocean, but having experienced the clear warm water of Australia, it’s a bit of a let down.

So we became resort and holiday divers, always fitting in a dive when we went on summer holiday. My wife stopped diving while pregnant with our first-born, and have since tried to pick it up once or twice, but considers herself over it and thus I now dive “alone”.

In warmer waters I enjoy diving without wet-suit. I typically use an Air-X Diving computer, that I am very happy with.

I have achieved an Advanced Open Water Certification and I was at one point going for Dive Master – but I am still missing one speciality dive course and the life-saving certificate before making that, and these days, I don’t do much diving – maybe just the once a year.

I have dived the following places:
Moreton Island, Australia
Lady Elliott, Australia
Øresund, Denmark
Furesøen, Denmark
Hawaii, USA
Okinawa, Japan
Phuket, Thailand
Red Sea, Israel
Brighton, UK
Malaga, Spain

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