Photography – Modelling

A good photo is one, which is aesthetically pleasing and/or invokes strong emotions with the viewer. I prefer the female form and curves and thus most of my motives will be female. I have ideas for projects covering most degrees of dress/undress but since I love to play with light, and I consider the well composed implied nude shot where shadows are used to cover “crucial areas” far superior to the show-all nude, I don’t currently have any nude or topless projects in the pipe-line.

You can see some of my photos in the Models Gallery.

If you want to work together with me as a model on any of the project ideas I have outlined below (or on your own ideas), use the contact form.

I will work TFP or, for experienced models, on a fee payment basis. You must be at least 18 years old and we will sign a contract (see here) before a shoot. You are very welcome to bring a friend or relative to a shoot, as long as they can stay quiet and it does not affect our performances negatively.

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Views and facts on what makes me tick