Memorial Bench

Hans‘ Memorial Bench is found at the northern seafront of Furesøen, in the area of Høje Klint.

In February 2017 we contacted the local authorities with a view to establish a bench in the area of Høje Klint. This is an area Hans often visited through the years and we wanted a place where we and his friends could come and remember him.

Right from the outset, the council was very accommodating. They walked with us in the area and we found a place for the bench only to change it to a new place; the location it is at today.

The Council carpenter, Lars Trærup, began work right away, and we expected it would be a fair while before we would see anything finished. Early March we carefully enquired if there was at all the slightest chance the bench could be finished for Hans’ 18 year birthday on March the 26th 2017.  They managed this with the laying of foundation and everything in good time.
The bench is made out of a mahogany like wood called Entandrophragma utile, more commonly known as sprague. It is beautifully joined using dowels and no screws or nails and the legs for the table and benches are designed as capital “H”.
There is a plate on the table with Hans’ d.ob. and d.o.d.

The bench was officially initiated with a small party on what would have been Hans’ 18-year birthday 26/3/2017.

Recordings from the party and from my speech formed the closing scene in the Danish State TV produced documentary “Our Sons’ Last Day” which was shown on DR1 on 3/4/2017.

We are eternally grateful to our local council and not least to Senior Gardener Christina Kastrup Madsen and Carpenter Lars Trærup for everything they have done for us, for the friends and for the memory of Hans <3.

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