
At the beginning of the poker boom I jumped on the bandwagon, learned the game (Hold’em) and joined a couple of on-line sites. I then became part of a small group that played once a week above our local pub.

Online I started out playing Limit, but soon realised that the experienced players always would win. I then moved on to playing NL SNG, typically $10 or $20 where I definitely held my own. I’ve also played low stake cash games SNG.

During my 6 months “gardening leave” from Morgan Stanley, I took a poker-dealer course at a local casino and with a friend ran a small private poker club for 3 months. In the UK, besides playing on-line, I mainly played at Twickenham.

After returning to Denmark, I ran a private club out of my cellar at home for about 2 years with games played every other Thursday.

These days I don’t play a lot, primarily regarding a game-night as a social event. I hardly ever play on-line and only occasionally live with good friends.

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