
FCK & Liverpool are my teams, so how could there be “other” teams?
Well, teams locally to where I live hold a special status, at least until such time as they (like FCN) suddenly start to rise above their station and become a nuisance. Now, I really do not like FCN at all. I have through time supported Walton and Hersham, Farum BK and Birkerød simply because Hans has played for them. He supported Tottenham and his brothers Arsenal, so I can share their emotions around those teams as well. My wife being locally from near-Leeds has been a lifelong supporter and as I support her and hers, they too get my occasional support. My Spanish team of choice is FC Barcelona, I don’t really have a German team, but if I had to pick one, it would probably be Dortmund. I have no real interest in any Italian or French teams.
Now, a little warning or disclaimer might be called for here. The world of a football fan is all about emotions. If I sound or behave rationally it is purely coincidental, that my emotions have brought me to the same place rational thought might have done. Don’t underestimate this element; it is tremendously important, as it allows otherwise rational beings to relax and behave outside their normal role. I don’t hate a single person in the whole universe. I am not a hating individual. There are 3 people alive I deeply despise, but that’s an entirely different story and as far as I can go. I have a number of friends, even very close and good friends, who are supporters of the teams I am going to mention below. I have absolutely no problem making the difference between hating a team and loving a person who supports that same team. Finally, is it all bad? No. Brøndby has (or at least use to have) a fine youth development program. So when I criticize it, it’s because it gets frustrating being told either that they invented the concept, are the best at it or have had the greatest success with it. Or all of the above. If I am in a one-to-one with one of my good friends I can discuss these kinds of topics and I’ll admit to FCK failings and get similar rational debate from the other side. But fan groups, facing each other, are not doing it to have a rational debate. I will highlight every single one of Brøndby’s failings (this might take a while) and let Brøndby’s fans try to come up with all their successes (don’t blink; you might miss it). On that note:

Teams that I hate in Denmark: Brøndby (obviously). FC Midtjylland is such a revolting team totally free of any charm or culture. FCN is just irritating, but they have so few followers it almost becomes personal if I hate them. Lyngby is a pathetic, pompous and hypocritical club with some of the worse supporters – I would have no problem if they never make it back into the top tier – and they seem to have serious problems making it, so obviously not such a big issue. I find it comparatively harder than my FCK fan friends to hate AGF – for various personal reasons – so I rather ridicule them and the circus they have been running for the past many years. The rest of the Danish teams are in my book more or less irrelevant.

Teams that I hate in England: Manchester United (obviously). Chelsea, almost as much. Aston Villa, if for no other reason, then simply because they are from Birmingham. Fulham, due to their previous association with Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed, a thoroughly disgusting and despicable human being. AFC Wimbledon, as I have had the displeasure of seeing them and their “fans” at Walton-on-Thames on a few occasions and MK Dons – they are just too ridiculous for words.

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