I was a fan of KB since the early 70’s. Not in any big way: Went to a few games, followed them in the news. I moved to England in 1987, so when KB and B1903 back in 1992 created F.C. København as their common professional section, it was natural for me to follow FCK and I carried on following them the same way I had done, KB. Every time I was visiting Denmark in the 90’s I made sure to watch a game if at all possible. During that time, I was needled endlessly by a close family member who, due to his Lyngby alliances, harbored a hatred for FCK in general and Don-Ø – the chairman at the time – in particular. He did have a lot of material with which to mock me. FCK was consistently underperforming. Every time I stood outside Parken in the endless queues, it was with the expectation that we would lose again.However, possibly an undesired and unexpected effect of the constant teasing was, that every time he told me how crap we were, every game I watched us play (and often lose), I became that bit more of a fan. I took a masochistic pleasure in sticking loyally with “my” team while times were rough and I slowly grew into the uncompromising hard-core fan I am today.