BodyCombat techniques

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BodyCombat is a mixed martial arts inspired workout. That is, besides general strength and core training, most of the exercise consists of strikes, hits and kicks from various martial arts.
Below, I have tried to describe the techniques and execution of the various moves:

Combat stance
With guard at chin, lead foot faces target and rear foot a shoulder width apart at 45 degrees. Chest and hips align and face forward, not side on. Body weight is centred with a slight lean forward. Abs are braced and knees are soft.
Boxing: Back heel off the floor and body weight 70% on front leg and 30% on back leg.
Tae Kwon Do: Slightly wider stance on toes with bent knees.

Front stance
Face the front with body square on, feet with toes facing forward, wider than shoulders and knees soft and aligned with toes. Brace abs and lift chest bringing the weight to centre. Always with a guard specific to the choreography. 

Cat stance

Weight is 100% on rear leg. This is for strength, balance, and protection.

Boxing guard

Karate guard
Correct karate guard

Example of incorrect karate guards

A defensive action that involves pushing the opposing fighter’s fist by hitting it, or moving inside the offensive arm to turn it away from its target.

Initiated by moving the hips back and bending the knees and hips to lower the torso to varying depths. Knees must be aligned with or behind toes. Hands are often crossed at the wrist in front of chest.

A kind of assisted one-legged squat where one leg is brought behind, with the front lower leg perpendicular and the thigh parallel to the floor.


From Combat or front stance, rotate the torso to bring the shoulder forward, punch lead hand from guard forward in a straight line rotating the wrist and turning the elbow out as the arms extends, keeping the elbow soft (not locked). As you punch, push weight from the back foot and onto the front foot by lifting the back heel. Return fist to guard. Non punching hand remains at guard.
The target is the nose, lips, chin or – for low jabs – stomach of your opponent which are struck with the first two knuckles of the fist. As always, braising the abs improve force and control.
Do not fling the punch by throwing the wrist or hand or punching from the elbow. Always punch from the shoulder. Do not over-extend the arm or lock the elbow, and remember to rotate the fist.
Power Jab

How to throw a Power Jab: You first move your front foot towards your opponent. You then slide your back foot up bringing your body closer to your opponent while throwing the jab at the same time. (The Power Jab is different from the Step Jab! The Power Jab throws the jab when the back foot moves forward. The Step Jab throws the jab when the front foot moves forward.)
Pros: This is a power jab because your whole body is moving forward as your throw the jab. The power jab makes it very easier for you to throw a fast 1-2 because the back foot will be planted and ready to power your right cross right after your jab is thrown.
Cons: The power jab is easier to see and defend against since the movement of your front foot gives away your intention to attack. The power jab is harder to surprise your opponent because it is thrown with the movement of the back foot instead of with the front foot and lands later.

Snap jab

Step jab
How to throw a Step Jab:
You step forward with your front foot right as you extend your front fist out towards your opponent. As your recover the jab hand, you quickly slide your back foot up at the same time bringing your feet back to its normal distance. (Your body will be one step closer to your opponent at the end of the step jab.)
Pros: The step jab offers more power than the basic jab and allows you to surprise your opponent. You can use the step jab to quickly move from outside of reach to within reach and land punches when your opponent is not expecting it. The step jab will allow you to advance forward into your opponent testing his defense while at the same time still giving you the option to retreat. The reason I use it at least 80% of the time is because the step jab is probably the only punch that can take you from outside of range into punch range.
Cons: The step jab compromises your balance because there is a period where your feet is spread further than the basic stance. If your opponent lands a punch on you at the right time, you may lose your balance and become vulnerable to other punches. The step jab may slow down the speed of your 1-2 combination because you cannot throw the right cross until the back foot slides forward into position.

Jump jab


Superman punch

In boxing guard lift elbow at max 90 degrees to shoulder height transferring weight to opposite leg and from combat or front stance, rotate hip, torso, chest and shoulder into the punch releasing the heel of striking side. Brace the abs and engage obliques striking the jaw of your opponent aiming 5cm past the target with the first 2 knuckles of the hand, palm down, retracting same path back to guard. Non punching hand remains at guard.
Body hook


Descending elbow

Ascending elbow

Side elbow

Side kick
Advancing sidekick
Evasive sidekick

Roundhouse kick

Front kick

Push kick


Snap kick

Jump kick

Back kick

Front knee

Roundhouse knee

Split knees

Rising block

Low block


Karate block


Street brawl
Downward punch
Downward stamp

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