Films & Shows

As for music, I have a varied and unashamed taste for films and shows. I prefer science fiction, and I am probably happier watching “young adult” films like Hunger Games or Maze Runner than the deep challenging films like “I am still Alice”. I also like comedies and I really do not find vampires interesting as a theme and stay away from all that. Horror films bore me.

I have been going to musicals, mainly in London, since the early 80’s and I do not think I have ever walked home feeling disappointed. The song and dance standard in the West-end is incredible, and even though not all stories can stand alone as masterpieces, the performances can typically carry themselves. I am easily moved to tears, and have cried to shows like “Chess” (my all-time favourite), “Tell me on a Sunday” and Les Miserables.

We occasionally attend opera in Copenhagen with a preference for Mozart, Wagner and Verdi but never ballet. Every year as a family tradition, we attend the Crazy Christmas Cabaret in Tivoli, an English language Danish version of a British pantomime show.

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My 100 favourite films in alphabetical order:

  1. 12 Monkeys
  2. 2001: A Space Odysey
  3. 51st State
  4. AI Artificial Intelligence
  5. All The President’s Men
  6. Amadeus
  7. American Beauty
  8. American History X
  9. Apocalypse Now
  10. Arthur
  11. Back to the Future
  12. Barbettes Gæstebud
  13. The Big Lebowski
  14. Bin-jip (3-Iron)
  15. Blade Runner
  16. Blazing Saddles
  17. Blinkende Lygter
  18. The Blues Brothers
  19. Breaking the Waves
  20. Cabaret
  21. Carlito’s Way
  22. Casablanca
  23. A Clockwork Orange
  24. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
  25. Das leben der Anderen
  26. The Deer Hunter
  27. Deliverance
  28. Dirch
  29. Dirty Harry
  30. Diva
  31. Downfall
  32. No
  33. Strangelove
  34. Duck Soup
  35. Emanuelle
  36. En Kongelig Affære
  37. Fargo
  38. A Fistfull of Dollars
  39. For a Few Dollars More
  40. Forrest Gump
  41. Ghostbusters
  42. Gladiator
  43. The Godfather
  44. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  45. Good Morning, Vietnam
  46. The Graduate
  47. Groundhog Day
  48. The Italian Job
  49. Italiensk for Begyndere
  50. Inception
  51. Inglourious Basterds
  52. Interstellar
  53. Jaws
  54. Jean de Florette
  55. Jurassic Park
  56. Kill Bill (Vol I & II)
  57. K-PAX
  58. La Vita é Bella
  59. Léon
  60. Life Of Brian
  61. The Lion King
  62. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  63. Mad Max
  64. Manon des sources
  65. The Matrix
  66. Men In Black
  67. Minority Report
  68. Monty Python And The Holy Grail
  69. Moulin Rouge!
  70. Natural Born Killers
  71. Network
  72. Nordvest
  73. Olsen banden Ser Rødt
  74. The Party
  75. Planet Of The Apes
  76. The Prestige
  77. Pulp Fiction
  78. Rain Man
  79. Reservoir Dogs
  80. Rocky
  81. Scent of a Woman
  82. The Shawshank Redemption
  83. Shrek
  84. The Silence Of The Lambs
  85. The Sixth Sense
  86. Sole Survivor
  87. Spaceballs
  88. Stargate
  89. Starwars
  90. The Sting
  91. Taxi Driver
  92. Total Recall
  93. Toy Story
  94. The Truman Show
  95. Twelve Monkeys
  96. V For Vendetta
  97. Vinterbørn
  98. The Wall
  99. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  100. The Wizard Of Oz

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